Naplaćuje se 100 % od ukupne cijene instrukcija u slučaju:

  • otkazivanja termina manje od 24 h od dogovorenog vremena i/ili na sam dan dogovorenog termina
  • kašnjenja od 20 ili više minuta (termin se otkazuje)
  • ne pojavljivanja na termin bez prethodne najave

Ugovaranjem termina prihvaćate gore navedene uvjete!

100% of the total price of the tutoring is charged in case of:

  • appointment cancellation less than 24 hours from the agreed time and/or on the same day of the appointment
  • delays of 20 or more minutes (the appointment will be cancelled)
  • not showing up for an appointment without prior notice

    By making an appointment, you accept the conditions listed above!